Continuation of Interest-Free Status
Information for Returning Full-Time Students
If you return to school in at least 60% of a full-time course load (40% with a documented disability) for at least six (6) weeks, you can re-activate your interest-free status on outstanding Canada/Ontario Student Loans even if you do not take out additional loan funding.
Submit an online application forโฏContinuation of Interest-Free Status through the OSAP website, after classes begin. Once processed, this application lets your lender know you are back in full-time studies.
Information for Students in a Part-Time or Micro-credential Program
Students with previous OSAP for Micro-credentials funding who return to school must ensure that their Micro-credential Student Loans are placed into interest-free status.
Students with previous part-time OSAP funding who return to school must ensure their Part-Time Student Loans are placed into interest free status by completing a Schedule 2 Application.