Accepting a Job Offer

Accepting a Job Offer

Congratulations, you’re hired!

Your supervisor will work with their department to issue you a conditional Work Study Letter of Offer (LOO) before the end of the hiring period. 

Note: If you receive a verbal offer of employment, be sure the written LOO follows shortly afterwards (if needed, follow-up with the hiring department before the Work Study deadline). 

Action Items & Next Steps

Once you receive the LOO, review it, sign it, and send it to your supervisor.

The hiring department will complete the Online Hiring Approval. This confirms your eligibility to participate in the Work Study program (and satisfies one of the LOO conditions). 

Important – Do not start working until you receive this electronic notification. 

  • If you meet the sessional requirements, the Work Study program will send an email to you, your employer, and their administrative contact(s), confirming you have been approved.  
  • Follow-up with your supervisor if you have not received the confirmation email. 

In each Work Study cycle the program offers campus-specific documentation that hiring departments can use to supplement their hiring package (see below).  

Check with your employer to ensure you receive their complete hiring package, which may include additional and/or department-specific forms. 

If you require assistance, please connect with the contact listed in your LOO or email with your student number to locate the administrative contact associated with your work study position.


2025 Summer UTM – Specific Forms 

  • Coming soon!



2024-25 Fall/Winter UTSC – Specific Forms 


2025 Summer UTSC – Specific Forms

  • Coming soon!

To access your payroll documentation (pay stubs, tax documentation, etc.) you will need your University of Toronto personnel number to connect to the Employee Self Service portal.  

  • Follow-up with your employer if they do not provide this information (or contact with your student number). 

As outlined in your LOO, you must complete the following mandatory training within 60 days of starting (refer to your letter for exemptions): 

1. Basic Occupational Health & Safety Awareness Training Program 

The University offers EHS002 Basic Health and Safety Awareness Training through Quercus. Visit the My EHS Training website to register and for instructions on how to access training.

2. University of Toronto Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Online Training 

Once you are onboarded into the system by the hiring department’s Business Officer (or equivalent), you will receive an automated notification to your email indicating when the University of Toronto AODA training has been assigned to you for completion. Until you receive this notification, you will not have access to the AODA training. 

3. Two Hours Paid Training

  • One hour for setting and reflecting on learning goals
  • One hour for professional development and/or skills training

For further support please connect with your hiring department’s administrator (or the contact indicated in your LOO). 

Your supervisor will create your work schedule based on the job requirements and your academic activities. Work must not exceed the weekly maximum (15 hours) nor occur during a University holiday

The Work Study program allows for a 15 hour maximum work week, however your work schedule will be determined with your employer based on the requirements of the job and your availability. 

  • Keep track of your hours and notify your employer when you start getting close to the total hours.
  • As part of your onboarding confirm the hiring department’s bi-weekly or monthly payroll process, schedule, and deadlines with your supervisor and/or their administrative contacts.
  • The student, supervisor and payroll department all have a role to play in ensuring payroll is processed accurately and in a timely manner.  
  • As a student worker, you are responsible for submitting your bi-weekly or monthly payroll hours appropriately to meet payroll deadlines. Late payroll submissions may not be accepted. 
  • For payroll concerns, your first point of contact is your employer and departmental administrator (or designate).  

Use the Work Study eModule series (or the Professional Development Workbook) to help you understand the connection of Work Study to your career and academics, identify what skills you want to further develop, and learn how to articulate what you gained from your experience to employers. 

Consider some of the career workshops available on your campus (go to the Events & Workshops CLNx page and select your campus). There is also a series of workshops called Professionalism in the Workplace available on Quercus. The eModule/Workbook are optional but highly recommended, and your supervisor may choose to support your learning goals in another way. 

  • For additional support please contact your campus career services: UTM, UTSG, UTSC 

All work study contracts end on the final day of the program; extensions are not permitted. Make sure that you follow the departmental off-boarding procedures.  

In a couple of months, you will also want to ensure that your position appears on your Co-Curricular Record (CCR).  

The Co-Curricular Record (CCR) is an official record of all activities from your on-campus work, including your Work Study position. This document helps market your experiences and skills to employers, graduate and/or professional programs, and for grants and bursary applications. 

You should expect to see your updated CCR within two months after the program ends. If you have any questions about the CCR, please email

If you require further assistance, please connect with the contact listed in your Letter of Offer (LOO) or email with your student number to locate the administrative contact associated with your work study position.